The Winning Investment Habits of Warren Buffett & George Soros

Autor: Mark Tier
Editorial:Truman Talley
# Páginas:358 páginas
Dimensiones:13 x 20
Empaste: Rústica
Código ISBN: 9780312358785
Precio: S/ 149.00
Edición: 1 Año: 2005
Disponibilidad:En Stock


Language: English Brand New Book. Warren Buffett, Carl Icahn, and George Soros all started with nothing---and made billion-dollar fortunes solely by investing. But their investment strategies are so widely divergent, what could they possibly have in common?As Mark Tier demonstrates in this insightful book, the secrets that made Buffet, Icahn, and Soros the world s three richest investors are the same mental habits and strategies they all practice religiously. However, these are mental habits and strategies that fly in the face of Wall Street s conventional mindset. For example: -Buffett, Icahn, and Soros do not diversify. When they buy, they buy as much as they can.-They re not focused on the profits they expect to make. Going in, they re not investing for the money at all.-They don t believe that big profits involve big risks. In fact, they re far more focused on not losing money than making it.-Wall Street research reports? They never read them. They re not interested in what other people think. Indeed, Buffett says he only reads analyst reports when he needs a laugh.In The Winning Investment Habits of Warren Buffett George Soros you can discover how the mental habits that guided your last investment decision stack up against those of Buffett, Icahn, and Soros.